Legal |
Stravex Transport- und
Handelsgesellschaft mbH
Finkenwerder Weg 6
21129 Hamburg
UmSt./VAT: DE 224 185 237, EORI: DE 4980530
Managing Director: Valerian Braziler
Authorized Managers: Alexander Bohn, Constantin Burlaca
Legal information
The information contained on these websites is provided without any commitment and intended exclusively for information purposes. Of informative nature, it does not represent an offer pursuant to applicable statutory regulations. Based on the information contained on this website, no contract can be initiated with regard to the products and services introduced.
The information contained on these websites as well as the products and services described in the same are subject to change or updating without prior notification by Stravex Transport- und Handels Gesellschaft mbH at any moment in time. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the websites of Stravex Transport- und Handels Gesellschaft mbH do not contain any warranties or details of composition for which Stravex Transport- und Handels Gesellschaft mbH is liable, be it expressly or tacitly, not even with regard to currentness, accuracy, completeness and quality of the information.
Stravex Transport- und Handels Gesellschaft mbH does not accept liability in conjunction with her websites. Liability for any direct or indirect damage, claims for damages, consequential damage irrespective of type and legal cause which arise from the user’s access to, or use of the websites, in particular by way of infecting your computer environments with viruses, is excluded.
The reasons for and observance of the obligations as well as of the liability of Stravex Transport- und Handels Gesellschaft mbH with regard to her products and services are exclusively subject to the contractual agreements signed for the same, taking into account the General Terms of German Forwarding Agents (Allgemeine Deutsche Spediteurbedingungen – ADSp 2017) of Stravex Transport- und Handels Gesellschaft mbH.
When retrieving pages and files from our websites and prompted to enter details about yourself, we shall point out that such data transfer via the Internet does not constitute a safe transmission and that unauthorised parties can acquire access to or even falsify such data.
Links with websites of third parties are provided as an additional service. These websites are completely independent and not subject to the control of Stravex Transport- und Handels Gesellschaft mbH. Stravex Transport- und Handels Gesellschaft mbH does not accept liability for the content of websites of third parties to which users gain access via Stravex-websites and does not accept any responsibility as to the content, data protection regulations or the use of such websites.
All information specified on these websites has been carefully prepared. Despite all due care there might appear mistakes. We expressly state that we do not assume any liability or guarantee for the completeness, topicality and accuracy of the information of these websites.
All users of these websites declare their consent for the use of the websites at their own risk.
Platform of the EU Comission regarding online dispute resolution:
We operate exclusively in accordance with the Allgemeine Deutsche Spediteurbedingungen 2017 -ADSp 2017- (German Freight Forwarders’ General Terms and Conditions 2017) and if they do not apply for performing logistics services- with the Logistic-AGB (General Terms and Conditions of Logistics-Services Providers), as of June 2019. Note: In clause 23 of ADSp 2017 deviates from the statutory liability limitation in section 431 German Commercial Code (HGB) by limiting the liability for multimodal transportation with the involvement of sea carriage and an unknown damage location to 2 Special Drawing right per kilogram (SDR/kg) and, for the rest, the customary liability limitation of 8,33 SDR/kg additionally to Euro 1,25 million per damage claim and EUR 2,5 million per damage event, but not less than 2 SDR/kg.